礙於出版單位的版權問題,所以我不放上電子PDF的檔案,如有需要請e-mail聯絡我 ( hawayana@gmail.com )! 專書 González G, Huang CY, Chuang SC . 2008. Earthworms and post agricultural succession in the Neotropics. In: Post-Agricultural Succession in the Neotropics. Edited by Randall W. Myster. Springer. Pages 115-138. 期刊 Chang CC, Chuang SC , Wu JH, Chen JH. 2014. New species of earthworms belonging to the Metaphire formosae species group (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) in Taiwan. Zootaxa. (accepted) Chuang SC, Liao HJ, Li CJ, Wang GJ, Chang JK, Ho ML. 2013. Simvastatin enhances human osteoblast proliferation involved in mitochondrial energy generation. E J Pharmacol 714:74-82 (SCI, Pharmacology 105/260=40%, IF=2.592)